Ron Sexsmith – City Winery, New York, NY

Ron Sexsmith – City Winery, New York, NY

February temperatures plummeted from an unseasonable 60 degrees to a more realistic 35 as we entered the confines of City Winery New York to see Canada’s Ron Sexsmith perform in the city for the first time in seven years. It was a perfect night to sip Pinot and share duck tacos and spicy Kung Pao cauliflower from the venue’s spacious balcony seating before Mr. Sexsmith wandered onto the stage promptly at 8pm.

Sexsmith made sure to visit as much as his catalog as time allowed to please the audience and went all the way back to his 1995 debut album on more than one occasion to remind us how long his carefully crafted songs have been with us. He performed solo which lent an intimacy to his songs that required the audience to focus on his lyrics and thoughtful delivery. He entertained us with his humorous self-deprecating stories and jokes and even took a request from the audience.

Ron SexsmithRon Sexsmith City Winery, New York City

Sexsmith played two sets, changed wardrobe and switched between his acoustic guitar and grand piano a couple of times. His songs alternated between optimism, regret, love, hope – you name it – while matching his distinctly memorable melodies to detailed and bittersweet lyrics.

Be sure to catch him on tour. See tour dates here.


  • ericactive

    Eric K. Andersen is a former record company weasel who currently goes to a lot of concerts and takes pictures. You can find his website by clicking the link icon below.

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Eric K. Andersen is a former record company weasel who currently goes to a lot of concerts and takes pictures. You can find his website by clicking the link icon below.