Warmduscher vs Devo

Warmduscher vs Devo

In 1979 I was sitting with a bunch of high school friends awaiting the arrival of Devo at the Palladium in New York City (sadly torn down to make way for NYU dorms in 1997) Devo’s warm up act back then were their groundbreaking music videos they produced two years before MTV was born. A video for the song “The Day My Baby Gave Me A Surprise” featured a flying baby and had us all laughing.

While getting more familiar with Warmduscher before their New York debut, I took a look at a few of their videos. The video for “Standing on the Corner” also featured a flying baby, though this one had two heads. It was then that I realized that the two bands had a lot in common. Danceable songs full of humor, matching jumpsuits and now a very funny video with flying a two-headed baby. Oddly their logo is very similar to Van Halen’s.


Warmduscher took the stage to a packed house and an enthusiastic crowd ready to party and mosh at Baby’s All Right on Brooklyn on Thursday night. The slamming started the second the band kicked the night off forcing me to take a defensive posture as I took photos in front of the stage along with a small group of other photographers, some with familiar faces, and flash at the ready. Eventually I was forced to the side of the venue where I took in a variety of crowd surfers, one managing to wedge himself between the bodies propping him up and the venues low ceiling with his feet, another the lead singer of the band himself.

After their set, a handful of fans left but the band came out for a three song encore. It was another crazy night in New York, proving that live music is alive and well in the world.

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  • ericactive

    Eric K. Andersen is a former record company weasel who currently goes to a lot of concerts and takes pictures. You can find his website by clicking the link icon below.

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Eric K. Andersen is a former record company weasel who currently goes to a lot of concerts and takes pictures. You can find his website by clicking the link icon below.